Welcome to the Coach House

It’s all about making ideas happen. We are a bible believing, Jesus worshipping church

The Coach House Church is a contemporary, spirit filled church. We are a church that loves and accepts everyone, no matter what your background or experience. If you are exploring faith or looking for a place to call home, come and join us on Sunday. Our family here are from different backgrounds and nations, coming together as one to make us who we are.

You are most welcome here.


Visiting on a Sunday

We meet every Sunday at 10.30am.

Our Sunday services are an opportunity for us to join together in worship, to connect with God and each other, to hear bible-based teaching and to pray for one another.

You can find us

222 Wellington Road North, Stockport, SK4 2QN

0161 432 5604

Our home is situated on the A6 (Wellington Road North). There is parking available on the church grounds. If when you arrive there is no space, the local roads next to the church provide on street parking - Warwick Road, Silverdale Road and Glenfield Road.


Our Sunday Service Talks are available for you anytime to listen to again

These are a great resource on learning more about the Bible and catching up on any missed Talks within our current series.
We also have Beacons, our devotionals, light in dark times. Listen Here

Ignite Church

Time for the Church of the future to learn more about God

We believe that children and young people can follow Jesus and become full members of the church, and that letting Jesus into your life is possible at any age. They are integral to our churches, but we need to make sure there are no obstacles preventing them from getting involved. That's why we activiely encourage our young people to get involved. They also have their own space at church for learning more about God.

We have a creche for 0-4s, a younger group for 4-11s and also a space for our older kids 11-16.

Let the little children come to me and do not stop them. Luke 18:16

Sundays - What to Expect

Our services usually start at 10.30am and last about an hour and a half.
We are informal, so you'll find no dress code here.

To start of us off there will be a welcome by one of our leadership team, a time of worship and some information about what we have going on. We will then have some teaching from the bible from either one our church family or a guest.

Our teaching covers a wide range of carefully-considered topics. We aim to have a wide variety of subject matter, and have series studying books of the bible, key life issues, spiritual growth and things that we as the Coach House Church family want to learn about or grow in.

When it comes to worship all the words are on the screen so you can sing along if you would like to, but there is no pressure to join in. At the end of the service there is always an opportunity to be prayed for.

It's important to us that we make our Sunday church services accessible and inclusive to everyone. The building is easily accessible and we have a loop system in place for those who require it.


Our Time to Remember Christ's Sacrifice

Our entire story and history is that we are a people who quickly forget the grace and goodness of God in our lives. When was the last time you stopped and really thought about who you are in Christ? That your identity is found only in the person of Christ and what He has done in your life.

The claims and offer of grace are outstanding, unnatural, and difficult to accept. Jesus understood that we are prone to forget, so He provided once again! He gave us a sacrament (Communion) so that when we gather we can be reminded that Jesus is for us! His body was broken for us. His blood was shed for us. We can remember that in His death our sins died also and in His resurrection the power to live was imparted to us through His Holy Spirit!

We can boldly proclaim Christ has paid our bill in full.

So in these moments we take bread and wine (non-alcoholic) together, as a symbol of Jesus' body and blood shed for us.

If you aren't sure we encourage you to let these pass you by and after the service feel free to grab one of the leadership team to talk about it in more detail.

After our Sunday Services

Time for a brew...!

After the service, we meet in our more relaxed place, The Hub. Here we simply hang out and chat.
We serve tea, coffee, juice, biscuits and sometimes even lovely cake.

Sunday Evenings

There's no such thing as a stupid question.

We really believe in the importance of asking questions so that's what we do on Sunday evenings. We run an Alpha course which is a great place to start if you are new to the Christian faith or you have questions about life. After Alpha we also have a meeting called Catalyst where we discuss questions about Christianity to really delve into what we believe and why we believe it. If you would like to join either of these meetings please email alpha. Our next Alpha course will begin on January 30th and Catalyst will begin February 6th.

Click to find out more about Alpha
Click to find out more about Catalyst
Click to sign up to our mailing list

Our Vision

It's all about JESUS

  • We want to have a Church living out Jesus in a relevant and loving way. To love like Jesus loves.

  • We desire to see Gods Kingdom practically displayed through transformed lives.

  • We want to live in faith, honouring and worshipping the God of all creation.

  • We want to serve our community well.

  • This is who we are …

    Hospital: Matthew 9 : 12

    ‘It is the sick who need a doctor….’ Coach House Church is a place of safety and refuge, a place for healing. Jesus came to reach out to those trapped in a life of sin. The Church is a hospital tasked with reaching those who are in need of an answer.

    Training and releasing: 2 Timothy 2 : 2

    ‘teach …. And pass on’ Coach House Church seeks to be faithful to the teaching of the word of God presented fully in the scriptures. To teach accurately to the best of our ability and enabling the church to fulfil its God given potential.

    Transforming: Romans 12 : 2

    ‘transform… into a new person’ We believe in the transforming power of Jesus – to make us better individuals, to move us from a place of sin to one of goodness.

    Missional: Matthew 28 : 19

    ‘make disciples…’ Coach House Church supports missional work and seeks to be faithful in proclaiming Gods grace to ALL.

    LOVING : 1 Corinthians 13 : 13

    ‘three things remain forever – faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love’ Coach House Church is founded on love. We aim to underpin everything we do in love. We want to be extravagant in our expression of love.
