Welcome to Furnace

Where our youth grow

We have a youth group that meets on Tuesdays.

As a church we love young people and we want to see them grow in their faith. We have a youth group to help young people

  • have a space to invite their friends to
  • connect with other young people
  • enhance their skills to enable them to serve in God's house
  • learn about God
  • This is a fun place where we play games and complete team challenges. It's a place where our young people are being built into a community that can have an impact on the world around them.

    As a church family we want to create space for all ages. While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is in our other activities that you can really get to know someone within the church. Being part of one of our groups allows you to learn, share and support each other through the ups and the downs. We have many groups, and would urge you to contact either the office or Pastor Andy to discuss this further.

    Come hang out... .

    Our Team