
Eternal Summer


Not sure about you, but I love being outside ….

If I can, I’m out on the water and there is nothing I like better than sailing under blue skies with a nice stiff breeze powering me along (ok…I’m an adrenaline junkie as well!)

In these current days, I am making do with the garden and have had to create the sound of running water just to remind of the the days that will return……

Actually, this reminds me of some other stuff as well.

As we ‘enjoy’ this current run of good weather (bound to break now I’ve committed this to words!) I am amazed at how nature takes everything in its stride.

The flowers and trees that are starting to open up, growing at what seems an amazing pace (is it me or does the air seem fresher?)

The last time we met together in church I was reminded by God that the start of Spring is heralded by the burst of colour as the daffodils and other early bloomers push through the barren soil and break forth in a glorious display of defiance against the Winter. Winter is temporal.

Winter is coming to an end…. And it is always followed by Spring. Nature is in perfect balance (even if we have the odd hiccup now and then!)

I am reminded that our winters will come to an end.

We all travel through different journeys in our life. Some seem easier than others, but all will have a winter time. A darker time, a more painful time.

It is almost inevitable in life … and it is made plain in the bible that this is because of SIN. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden – all of creation fell out of perfection and suffered dark days. You can read it for yourself in Genesis Chapter 3.

But… contained in the same chapter is a promise that one day all of this will be put right …. In fact, not just right …. BETTER!

Imagine a world without sin and nothing to corrupt it ever again.

Imagine living in that world.

Imagine being promised that world.

Romans 8:20-23

When I see nature defying the hard winter and bursting into life, I am reminded that we to have a promise ... A promise made by the one who doesn’t know how to break them (how refreshing!) – GOD. (NLT)

Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us.

It is worth reading this passage again and again.

Promises are promises.

But… note the caveat. We have to be adopted children – we need to bear the title.

The only way for this to happen is to believe and accept the one who allows us to bear HIS name , to have HIS adoption. His name is Jesus.

A journey from Genesis to the New Testament letters of Paul (who wrote Romans).

A journey from Winter to Spring (with the promise of an eternal Summer)

It’s a worthwhile journey.

Stay safe, Stay well, Be Blessed.

Andy Signature